Resting in the Presence of God

Without God's presence... I don't know where I would be right now.  Earlier this year I was NOT myself. I would be really anxious going to school and I would almost break down into tears by first block. I was tired of the drama, I was tired of the pain, I was tired of putting on a fake smile. One morning I woke up and I just laid in bed thinking, "I can't do this anymore". And I was right. Because during this storm I had not gone to the Lord about it and I had not been spending time in His word.  I continued to push Him away because "God was the one putting me through this". As I finally got up out of bed that morning I began to pray. I cried out to God and explained how I felt (something that I love about God is that even when we feel like no one else understands us, he does). I told the Lord how broken I felt. I told Him that I was tired of doing this on my own, and in that moment He reminded me that I wasn't meant to. We are made to have a relationship with the Lord, and we are made to lean on Him. A song that I had on repeat during that season of life was "Here Again" by Elevation Worship and the chorus goes:

" I'm not enough, unless you come will you meet me here again
Cause all I want is all you are
Will you meet me here again"

I just LOVE when you find that perfect song that explains how you feel, don't you? Even though I was  broken, even though I had been sinful, even though I had drifted away from God, He was still there and willing to help me and make me whole again. When I finally came crawling back to the Lord he was there waiting for me! Even in our darkest moments Jesus meets us where we are.

Another verse from that song sings; "Not for a minute was I forsaken, the Lord is in this place".
God's love for you is eternal, and so is His faithfulness! No matter what valley you are walking through or what storm you are waiting out, what waters you are wading in, God is there with you (Isaiah 43:2). Even when we ignore him, reject him, and try to do this life on our own, the Lord still pursues us ( look at Matthew 18:12). Jesus NEVER gives up on his children!

We are made to have a relationship with God. When I choose to be in this relationship and rest in the presence of the Lord, I have peace, I have joy, and I can keep going.


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