14 Things I learned at 14

✰✰14 Things I learned when I was 14✰✰

1. God knows what is best for you
2. There is always purpose/beauty in pain
3.TRUE peace is found when you surrender to God's will & stop trying to control your life
4.Worry is a form of pride
5.Seeking the Lord is important and is something you will never regret, even when its hard
6.Trusting God isn't trusting that his plan will always make you happy, trusting God is trusting that his plan is good, and greater than yours
7.I LOVE peppers?
8.Using store apps is worth it (AE and Aerie)
9.I am an enneagram 7
10.Going out of your comfort zone is totally worth it
11.Singing praises to God (like in worship service)  is another form of prayer
12. When things suck, we have to embrace it
13. If you are ever handed the aux, play THROWBACK songs, and everyone will be happy
14. God uses places people in your life for a reason/he uses them for your testimony



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