Beautiful Reality

According to the google, reality is the  real world or the state of things that actually exist as opposed to the idealistic or notional idea of them. Lately I've been realizing that we are living in a beautiful reality. Currently my "beautiful reality" consists of cooking new things, my sister belting out every song that comes to her mind (due to her new found love of singing), driving the back roads of upstate South Carolina with my family, daily basketball drills, and listening to music all day. Of course, those are mainly the positive points of my reality and the things that are easier to consider "beautiful". Now the long days of online school, the tears of frustration from quarantine, the anxious thoughts I have about my unknown future, how badly I miss my friends, that is part of the reality that I wouldn't automatically call "beautiful". But it can be, thanks to the most important part of my life. There is a part of my reality that will always exist. There is a part of my reality that is the most beautiful and real of all. And that is the salvation of Jesus, and the way he continues to work in my life. Whether its through the little blessings sprinkled throughout my day (like the gorgeous sunset over Hogback mountain my lovely grandmother and I saw last night) or God showing me the little details of my life he worked together, or his saving grace that never goes  away, God is present and is real in my life. He is a huge part of my reality. And he is what makes my reality beautiful. Because whether I feel like I have everything together (a rare occurrence) or I feel like I'm falling apart, whether everything seems to be going good or I feel like my world is ending, God is still working and he is making my broken beautiful for his glory. Maybe you feel like right now your reality is anything but beautiful. But take heart my friend, because "God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). God is still working in your life and making it beautiful even when you don't see it. Jesus loves you and is pursuing you, and is alive! Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope it encouraged you! I love you. Type to ya later...


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