Dreaming of Christmas...

Christmas.... I get giddy just thinking about the day and the surprises it will bring. With a smiling face and a happy heart, I lay awake the two nights before, dreaming of the next few days (Christmas Eve and Christmas). I think no matter how old you get, there will never be anything like the feeling of Christmas morning. Granted, I'm only 13, but still as I teenager, I feel the same way I have felt the years before about my favorite day of the year. Because, the real meaning of Christmas is what makes me the most excited.
  My heart dances with the knowledge that God, the King of Kings, and the Creator of you and this amazing world sent  His only son down on this Earth to save us with His relentless love! Leaving  Heaven with a willing heart, Jesus came down with a mission: to live a perfect life and to die on the cross (the worst death possible) so that we could live FOREVER with Him. I am oh so thankful for my Savior and to have amazing family and friends to celebrate His birthday with. I love you so much , and God loves you too ;) PS, Get ready for an overload of content this week as I share my Christmas festivities with you! I am so excited!

Type to ya later!


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